[GIST] Story Time: “Their Lips Collide And They Kiss, They Both Laid On The Bed And Pounce On Each Other Like Hungry Lions” — (THE END!)
Story Time: “Their Lips Collide And They Kiss, They Both Laid On The Bed And Pounce On Each Other Like Hungry Lions” — (THE END!)
To Read Episode 16, 17, & 18; Click Here
… Episode 19 …
Their lips collide and they kiss, they were both lost in ecstasy that they fell to the bed and pounced on each other like hungry lions.
Sandra was gasping in euphoria and moaning in ecstasy as Roy drove her to wonderland , soon enough they both laid on the bed totally debilitated from the sexual lascivious.
They were both cuddling each other like husband and wife.
”I can’t believe we just did that” Sandra spoke breaking the silence.
”We both needed it” Roy replied with a smile.
”What will happen to Nina now that you had found out that the child is not yours?” Sandra asked staring at Roy.
”I don’t really know but I can’t continue with the marriage, I only married her because I thought the child was mine not knowing I was been fooled, I never loved her, you are the only one I love” Roy replied prudently.
”You don’t have to blame her, she was raped it wasn’t her fault, she only did what she thought was best for her” Sandra replied, she was kind of feeling pity for Nina.
”But that doesn’t mean she had to dragged me to her plight, she deprive me of you” Roy muttered angrily.
”I love you Roy I always have, even when I found out you got someone pregnant I still love you, I will be filing for a divorce, i caught lex having s-x with a girl,” Sandra explained .
”I love you more, I only hope we be together,” he replied.
” but lex is not willing to grant me the annulment, let’s elope together, I have enough money that would last us forever , let’s move to another state and start a new beginning together”
Sandra suddenly offered, Roy was tempted, but he quickly rebuff the idea , it was not the right thing to do he thought to himself.
” we should not, as much I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it’s wrong for us to elope,” Roy replied prudently while Sandra heaved a sign of frustration.
” I am tired if staying with lex, I hate him, he behaves like a drug addict and he is a flirt, I don’t understand why my parents wanted me to marry someone like that,”
Sandra wailed, she was regretting ever marrying lex but she had no choice her dad was willing to let Roy rot in prison if she had not concede to his request by marrying lex.
They both left the bed and headed to the bathroom together to take their bath.
lex would not be around for two days he was in south African on a business trip.
About few minutes they came out while Roy got dressed and left. Sandra was the only one at home, she thought about Roy, the only man she had ever love, she only wished lex will agreed that on devoicing her but she knew that’s impossible, she couldn’t fathom why lex even married her, he claimed he loved her and yet he still cheat on her, is that really love ?
That was the question which kept lingering unrequited to her.
She went to her room to arrange some stuff when she caught an envelope on the drawer, she curiously took it and opened it, what she saw made her drew back in disbelief, she couldn’t believe what was written on the piece of paper,” lex is sterile” she muttered with great shock and amidst incredulity, an idea suddenly popped into her head while she smiled.
… Episode 20 …
Roy went home, he could not find Nina, he had searched everywhere for her but she was nowhere to be found, her luggage was no longer in the house, he saw a note on the table and it reads.
“Dear Roy I am deeply sorry for the pain I had caused you, I never wanted to loose that’s why I had to put the blame on you that you are the father of my child, I know I deprived you from the woman you love, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.
I will be moving to my mother’s house, I had explained everything to her and she decided I come stay with her ,and please don’t bother looking for me because i will be traveling abroad to stay with my aunt. I pray you find a woman you will love and Cherish, I will never stop loving you.” Nina Okafor.
Roy was touch by the latter, he couldn’t believe Nina would leave his house willingly, he suddenly felt guilty for telling her he is no longer interested in the marriage.
He took his phone and tried her number but it was not reachable.
Sandra went to her parents’ house, she had concluded on herself to tell her parents about lex being infertile, maybe that will make them see reason why she wanted to divorce him.
She was welcomed with open hands, both her dad and mom were at home, they all sat on the couch in the living room.
“What do we own this unexpected visit” her dad said with a smile.
“How is your husband doing” her mum asked.
” he is okay” she replied.
“I hope you guys are getting along” Mr Jonson smiled to her daughter.
” Not really” Sandra murmured, while her dad stared at her.
“Lex is cheating on me, I caught him” Sandra said wanting to see her parent’s reaction but they were indifferent about it.
” by the way he is sterile, we can’t have a baby, and you can’t have a ground son” she said emphasizing the ground son while her parents stared at her in disbelief.
” what do you mean him sterile?” her dad quarried.
” I saw his test paper on his drawer,” Sandra replied handling the paper to her dad who scrutinized it to confirm for himself while his wife collected the paper gazed at it amidst incredulity.
“I will be firing for a divorce, I am no longer interested in the marriage” she muttered
” i will talk to his dad about it” her dad said after minutes of silence.
“There is nothing to talk about, I am no longer marrying lex, I never loved him, you guys forced me into this marriage and look at the outcome” Sandra whined.
” our daughter is right, there is no way she will continue her marriage with lex, I want to carry my ground son” her mum said supporting her daughter for the first time.
Sandra was surprised of her mum outburst.
Her dad heaved a sign of frustration.
” Do you have any man in your life” her dad suddenly asked.
” yes and it’s Roy” she muttered.
“Is it the same Roy” her dad asked in disbelief while she nodded in affirmation.
“I have to talk to lex dad before proceeding with the divorce, and I advised you look for a suitable man not that poverty guy who had no future” Mr. Johnson concluded and storms out.
Sandra left her parents’ house, she was glade her parents had agreed to processed with the divorce, and she was angry her dad would not allow her marry Roy.
The next day lex came back from his business trip, he walked in furiously, his dad had already told him about Sandra wanting to divorce him, he met Sandra sited on the couch glued to the TV.
“What did you tell your parents” lex barked immediately he walked in.
” I told them you are incapable of producing an offspring and you are also a cheat” Sandra mocked, while lex gave her a resounding slap that she fell to the couch.
“You are a fool lex, marrying you was my biggest mistake which I will amend soon” Sandra barked holding her cheek.
“You can’t leave me for Roy just know that” lex threatened while Sandra stared at him in surprised.
” don’t give me that look, you think i will leave this house without having an eye on you, one my boys is watching your every move and I know Roy slept in this house” lex explained with a smirk, Sandra was flabbergasted.
“Don’t you ever do anything to him” Sandra warned, while lex bursted into laughter.
” let’s see how it goes” he muttered and went to his room to take his bath.
… Episode 21 …
Sandra knew lex threat was not something to joke with because she could see the seriousness on his face, she quickly took her phone number and dialed Roy’s number.
“Are you okay? “she asked immediately Roy picked the call.
” yeah is anything the matter of “Roy asked sensing she was tensed.
” nothing just a checking up on you “she replied evasively. Suddenly Roy heard a knock on his door, he quickly went to the door still speaking to Sandra on the phone.
Immediately he opened the door he saw 3 guys, one of them quickly pointed a gun at his head, making him to vibrate in fear, his phone immediately slip from his hands and fell to the floor.
“Roy are you still there “Sandra was saying on the phone before lex pick the phone.
“He is now with me” lex replied with a smirk and ended the call.
“what’s happening, what did i do” Roy asked with shaky voice, while one of lex boys quickly placed a wet handkerchief on his nose, Roy held his hand, trying to struggle but his grip were losing why his eyes were closing, he suddenly blackout and drop to the floor.
They quickly took him to their car and placed him on the boot before zooming off.
Sandra quickly went to Roy’s house, she did not meet anybody there, but she met the door ajar with his room looking disheveled, and she tried his number but it was switched off.
She quickly went to the station to report an abduction. The DPO was her dad boy, he quickly commence investigation without further procedure. He told Sandra to go home that everything will be okay. She left the station and went to her car, she dialed her parents number immediately, telling them lex had kidnapped Roy, her parents promised to come see her, she ended the call and zoomed off, she was totally worried, she
Only hope lex would not do anything to Roy, she got to her apartment and alighted from the car, immediately she came out from her car, someone held her from behind and placed a handkerchief on her nose just the way they did to Roy, she suddenly lost consciousness, he put her in her car and zoomed off.
About and 1 hour later, Sandra parents walked in, they met the gate open, they couldn’t find Sandra, they saw her phone on the floor, her phone slip from hand when she was struggling with her adductor.
Mr. Johnson quickly called Mr. Jeffrey.
” what’s the meaning of this? Your son had kidnapped my daughter and his friend “Mr. Johnson said in a gruff voice.
” You mean lex kidnapped your daughter “Mr. Jeffrey asked sounding surprised.
” just pray nothing happens to her” Mr. Johnson warned and ended the call. He quickly dialed the DPO’s number.
“Hello Matthew “Mr. Johnson spoke immediately the DPO pick the call.
” we are working on it sir” the Dpo replied immediately.
” what do you mean by you are working on it, my daughter had just been too kidnapped by the same guys” Mr. Johnson fired at him.
” ahhh” the Dpo exclaimed in shock.
” make sure you find my daughter before the ending of today. Mr. Johnson said and ended the call.
Roy and Sandra were both blindfolded in an uncompleted building, they were both sited on a plastic chairs, lex walked In.
“Remove the blindfolds “lex ordered while one of his men went to to remove the rope they used in tiring their eyes.
” what’s the meaning of this” Sandra asked staring at lex in disdain.
” your execution” lex said with a wicked grim.
” Who will go first “he added pointing the gun to Sandra head and back to Roy’s head.
” lex please you don’t have to do this “Sandra pleaded, tears could be perceptibly seen in her eyes.
” I have to, you think you can ruin my reputation my leaving me, just say your last prayer” lex replied pointing the gun directly to Sandra…
” please don’t shoot her, I am the one I made her wanted to leave you, it wasn’t her fault is all my doing” Roy lied taking the blame on himself.
Lex quickly pointed the gun to his head about pulling the trigger.
” Freezes “they heard the voice of the police, lex quickly pull the trigger shooting one of them.
… Last Episode …
Lex pulled the trigger shooting Roy, he was about pointing the gun at Sandra before the police shot him while two of his boys quickly raised up their hands as they saw the police had already surrounded them.
Both Roy and lex were bleeding on the floor.
“Officer!! “Sandra screamed at the police pointing at Roy who was in his pool of his blood, he was bleeding in his shoulder.
The Dpo quickly called an ambulance.
Two hour earlier…
guy commot for bathroom I won piss oo” uche said holding his trousers as sweat drenched his face.
“Me just dey enter bathroom, go piss for Bush. “John screamed from the bathroom.
” Nah wa for you, na now you dey bath since morning “uche replied heading to the bush because he knew he can’t wait for him because John bath like a lady not just any woman but a lady who is searching for a husband.
Uche went to the bush to urinate, he saw a guy carrying a girl on his shoulder, he was moving to the uncompleted building, he quickly followed them, he went to the building and peep, he saw 2 other guys holding a gun, he quickly ran back, he dial his brother number who was a sergeant in the police force, while he brother told the Dpo about uche’s revelation.
Roy and lex were taken to the hospital while the Dpo informed Mr. Johnson that they have successfully rescued his daughter.
Sandra quickly informed Mr. Williams that Roy had been shot and was taking to the hospital.
About an hour later Mr. Williams came to the hospital with a woman, they were not allow to see Roy so they sat at the lobby.
Mr. Jeffrey walked in because he son was also admitted to the same hospital, the Dpo shot him as he was about shooting Sandra, and the bullet hit him in his back while Roy’s own was his left shoulder.
“How is my son doctor” Mr. Jeffrey asked the doctor.
”Which of them is your son “the doctor replied.
”Lex “he replied.
”The fair one “the doctor asked while he nodded in affirmation.
”I sorry sir but we lost him, the bullet was so deep, and it cuts his intestine “the doctor explained, Mr. Jeffrey fell to the floor, tears could be perceptibly seen in his eyes, he was wailing.
He quickly stood up in other not to bring unwanted attention, he saw Sandra sited with a man and a woman, the woman looks familiar to him, he stared at her in astonishment as realization hit him.
“Ngozi!!!!” Mr. Jeffrey called out, the woman swiftly turned and gazed at Mr. Jeffrey, and she drew back amidst incredulity, while Sandra and Mr. Williams gave them a puzzled look.
Sandra Dad and mum quickly walked in, they could see the surprised on everyone faces.
“Where is my son “Mr. Jeffrey asked staring at Ngozi while they all they at him in awe excluding Ngozi.
”Which son is that “Mr. Williams asked facing Miss Ngozi.
”The one I told you about “she replied while Mr. Williams drew back in disbelief.
”What is going on here, whose son are you guys talking about “Sandra voiced out.
”The one in the hospital, the one called Roy “Mrs. Ngozi dropped the bombshell.
”The one lex shot? “Mr. Jeffrey asked wanted to be sure while Mrs Ngozi nodded affirmatively.
”How is that possible? I thought lex is your only son “Mr. Johnson asked facing Mr. Jeffrey.
”A long time ago, and I met Ngozi, she was a high class runs girl.
I had s-x with her by then I was dating Anna my late wife, we were about fixing the date for our wedding, Ngozi told me she was pregnant for me but I thought she was lying that she wanted to cage me with her pregnancy.
After nine months I got married to Anna while Ngozi deliver her child I quickly went to for a DNA test which confirmed I was the father of the child.
I told my dad about it but he told me to eliminate her and the baby unless I will lose Anna, I didn’t agree to his barbaric plan so he went on to do the job, he send boys to eliminate Ngozi, I thought she was dead after I didn’t see her again, I went to confront my father and he told me he had cleaned up my mess.
That’s all I remember about Ngozi “Mr. Jeffrey explained prudently making everybody to gaze at him in astonishment.
”His boys came for me, I was lucky enough to have survived, I slept in the carnal with my baby, my child got sick so I hid him close to the carnal to get some drugs.
When I was coming back I met Williams and his wife holding the child, the day was very early, I noticed they were coming from night vigil because they were holding a bible and the time was 5am.
I had known Mr. Williams to be a good man, at first I wanted to collect the child from him but that will slow me down, I had to keep running in other to escape your father.
A friend of mine help me move to south Africa, I stayed in south Africa for 24 years without seeing my son, I just came back last week to look for him “she explained comprehensively.
They were all shock especially for Sandra who stared at the woman in awe. She was happy that Roy was the son of Mr Jeffrey, he wasn’t from a poor home after all, she was sure her dad will happily gave them his blessing after all he wanted her to marry the son of Mr. Jeffrey.
”I can’t believe the boy I had condemned is your son,” Mr. Johnson said breaking the silence.
The doctor suddenly walked up to them, “he is awake” he told them but don’t bang in just visit him one at a time and please it’s shouldn’t not be more than twenty minutes each ” the doctor said,, while they were all full of smiles that Roy is finally awake.
Sandra, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Ngozi went to visit him, explaining things to him, why his mother left him for 24 years, Roy was angry why she waited for 24 years before coming to see him, he later forgive her after she made him see reasons.
Mr. Johnson and his wife also came to apologies to him for their harsh treatment and gave him their blessing if we will be marrying their daughter.
Mr Jeffrey finally came and apologies for what lex did to him, he assured him he will never lack anything, he also told him he will be transferring Lex Company to him.
2 months later Sandra and Roy got married and lived a happy life.
… THE END! …
Have you guys enjoyed your time following this story? If you missed any episode CLICK HERE to quickly check out other episodes, I really appreciate your consistency and comments, another story will start tomorrow by the grace of God!
Watch Out!
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