[VIDEO] Why The Music Industry Doesn’t Seem To Be Taking Producers Seriously – Sess On ‘The Grill’

 Why The Music Industry Doesn’t Seem To Be Taking Producers Seriously – Sess On ‘The Grill’

Super producer and Prblm Kid, Sess, gave some quality insight to the Nigerian music industry and her affairs while on The Grill with tooXclusive TV.
Asides appreciating the growth the industry has experienced over the years, he admonished fellow producers on the need to invest in themselves (their brands – just like the artistes do) in order to be adequately recognized.
Prior to that, Sess had talked giving up his degree in Law to pursue his musical passion. He also admitted being a major part of the grooming process for rapper, Falz, as with the rigorous work involvement in making the Chemistry album for Falz and especially the ubertalented Simi. Of course, not without dropping some scoop on who and what we’re to expect from his Prblm Kid album.

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